Friday, June 5, 2020

2020 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Week 12: "Popular" - Clark Kessinger

For Week 12's theme of "Popular," I'm going to do things a little bit differently. My most popular relative (aside from my distant royal ancestors) is probably my great-grandfather's first cousin, Clark Kessinger. Clark was a very important figure in the Old-Time Country music scene, and was considered a master fiddler. I could write a biography of Clark here, but that would be redundant, as you can read all about him on sites like WikipediaWest Virginia Music Hall of Fame, and even the Kennedy Center

Instead, I thought I would share some of Clark's music. You can still purchase physical copies of his albums from Amazon (as well as streaming via Amazon Prime) and from the Smithsonian Folkways Project, and you can also stream his music on Spotify.

The following video is an overview of Clark Kessinger's music and career, as featured in his display at the West Virginia Music Hall of Fame:

And the following videos are only a few of the many fine examples of Clark's music.

Poca River Blues:

Devil's Dream:

Sally Ann Johnson:

~ ~ ~

My relation to Clark Kessinger is as follows:

Clark Wesley Kessinger 1896-1975
1st cousin 3x removed

William Robert Kessinger 1859-1920
Father of Clark Wesley Kessinger

Valentine Kessinger 1818-1880
Father of William Robert Kessinger

Wilson Kessinger 1852-1928
Son of Valentine Kessinger

Clifton Kessinger 1872-1966
Son of Wilson Kessinger

Harold Warren Kessinger 1920-2012
Son of Clifton Kessinger

Joseph Wayne Kessinger 1958-
Son of Harold Warren Kessinger

Allison Quinn Kessinger
You are the daughter of Joseph Wayne Kessinger

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